Make-up Capsule:

Make-up Capsule:

When it comes to make up storage there are hundreds of hacks out there from deconstructed spice racks to simply using Ziploc freezer bags. And like most make up lovers, I am always on the hunt for the perfect solution to my storage woes. Unfortunately though, I often get caught up in the latest fads [...]

Coco & Eve Promo

Start the year off right by resolving to maintain self-care routines and just taking time for yourself. Coco & Eve’s line up of skin and hair care products is the perfect way to ensure you get this much precious time daily, weekly or even monthly, with a line-up that includes hair masque that are commemorative [...]

the sweater & the coat

the sweater & the coat

These garments are long-loved and bought by die-hard Amazon fashionistas. It goes without saying that both these fashion items are worth the share. This is THE SWEATER. In an array of neutral colours, it is appropriate for just about any occasion, dressed up or casual. In terms of fit, it is pretty TTS despite its [...]

the (new) paper bag princess

the (new) paper bag princess

A story from my youth, The Paper Princess, by Robert Munsch, was an epic tale of a princess, a prince and a paper bag and of, course who could forget the dragon. This story really dropped off my radar as I aged and my rate in literature grew to include stories with a bit more [...]