Make-up Capsule:

When it comes to make up storage there are hundreds of hacks out there from deconstructed spice racks to simply using Ziploc freezer bags. And like most make up lovers, I am always on the hunt for the perfect solution to my storage woes. Unfortunately though, I often get caught up in the latest fads for storage and end up with storage solutions that are way off the mark for me – what I mean here is TOO BIG – and as a result, I end up over purchasing products to fill the space, which in itself is a whole other post for another day.

In my latest quest for the perfect storage solution, I have come across what I believe is an incredible product, not only for day-to-day make-up storage but a product that by its very design lends itself to a great travel item as well (not that we are really going anywhere soon, but one should always be prepared).

This fantastic little “pouch” has great height for products that are a little longer and the side elastic holders hold these larger products against the side offering great shape to the pouch and almost organizing for you. And forget about struggling to get that pesky zipper to do up on your over-stuffed make-up bag, this pouch has a drawstring which again, lends to ease and size compatibility with so much more than your run-of-the mill zipper make-up “bags”. This, in my opinion, is a great product at a price that really cannot be beat. Oh and did I mention, as a bonus, there is a small zipper pouch for you cotton swabs and such and a clear, buttoned brush bag for quick and sanitary access to the essentials.

This pouch makes a great gift for the make-up and travel lovers in your life, just in time for Valentines Day and the fact that you can purchase it in bundles of 2 or 4 is even more reason to gift this great little item. Check it out in the link above. So many great pastel colours to get you in the mood for Spring!!

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